Manager's Corner | EMSA Spruce Grove

The team manager is a vital role to any team. You are not only an extension of the coach, but you are a representative for the Spruce Grove Soccer Association. This section of the website will help those new to the role understand the responsibilities that are assigned and provide them with the tools to be successful.

Responsibilities as a team manager would be to organize and oversee the activities and events of your team. This can include:

  • Overseeing the team roster, jerseys and e-cards
  • Printing, completing, and managing game sheets and scores
  • Setting up team scheduling app
  • Acting as a correspondent for your team, acting as a liaison between coaches and parents/ guardians
  • Booking tournaments and organizing team social events
  • Booking extra space and / or tech sessions
  • Assigning referee liaisons and ensuring they know their responsibilities
  • Rescheduling games due to possible inclement weather
  • Coordinating fundraising and sponsorship for the team
  • Creating a team binder

At SGSA, we are committed to supporting our team officials to the fullest extent. Please let us know how we can improve this section! Click on the buttons below for information about specific topics.