Managing Jerseys | EMSA Spruce Grove


Teams are responsible for picking up their jerseys on equipment pickup day. You will be given a plastic tote with two sets of jerseys, one green and one white.

When handing out jerseys, be mindful that the smaller the number, the smaller the jersey size. Please remind your players that it is the fit of the jersey that counts, not the number they are wearing.

Every player needs to sign out their jerseys when they receive them. It is best to have players and their parents check them over. Please take a picture of the front and the back of each jersey. It is important that players take care of their jerseys and return them in the same condition they received. Each player must have a parent or guardian complete a credit card authorization card for their jersey. Players will only be charged for their jersey if it is returned damaged or stained – anything above normal wear or tear.

When players return their jerseys at the end of the season, their jerseys are to be cleaned. Have parents sign the Jersey Sign Out form when jerseys are handed in.

When the team returns their jerseys, they should be sorted by number and neatly folded in the container they were originally distributed in.


Teams are responsible for picking up their jerseys on equipment pickup day. You will be given one set of green jerseys and a set of white pinnies. White pinnies are to be used by players when they are playing a team wearing green jerseys.

When handing out jerseys, be mindful that the smaller the number, the smaller the jersey size. Please remind your players that it is the fit of the jersey that counts, not the number they are wearing.

Players get to keep their jerseys, it is calculated in their registration fees. Pinnies need to be returned to SGSA at the end of the season along with the rest of the team’s equipment.